Quo Vadis is an independent day school offering a fully trilingual Polish-English-French academic program.
In 2024/25, we offer academic programs for Kindergarten, and Grades 1 - 5. Additional grades up to Grade 8 will be added in future years.
Szkoła Podstawowa Quo Vadis jest jedyna w swoim rodzaju katolicką placówką oferującą w pełni trzyjęzyczny polsko-angielski-francuski program.
W 2024/25, oferujemy nauczanie w klasach 0-5. Dodatkowe klasy, włącznie z klasą VIII będą dostępne w przyszłości.
Enrollment opens in January for the following academic academic year. Enrollment for the 2024/25 academic year is ongoing. While the majority of enrollments will take place in January/February for the following academic year, we will also be able to admit students throughout the year.
Applicants for our Kindergarten program must turn four years of age by December 31 of the year they will enroll.
Please refer to our Admissions Information package for tuition fees. Tuition fees include after school care until 4:00 pm. Additional after school care is available for an additional cost. Other costs include uniforms and field trips.